Friday, March 10, 2006

A short moment with Self

Short talk: It's funny how I can make people have favourite things in their lives.

I've came so far, but I'm stil where I am. Stil at my origin, my priciples. Recent days have brought me to ponder. Sometimes of the wickedness of people; sometimes on the appreciation of life.

It's like the series Lost. The main core of the story revolves around a basic principle. No it's not about some stranded people swabbling around on some damned island. Well kinda. Which brings me to the point that it actually portrays a principle-the act of survival in which every man(or woman) it's in for himself. We don't do things without a purpose.

For instance, The black man didn't want to guard the mine if it didn't had fire arms in the cabin,cause he wanted to use the weapons to save his son. Or did the wounded needed to follow the doctor around. The intentions are obvious.

- This is my reflection when i saw one episode in LOST


auseniale said...

*shakes head* aiiks stan, ur loosing it, wat happen?
what origin and principles ur sticking too? come on something more interesting like previously..this just aint u.. *tambah minyak oh*

houng said...

i guess this is what stan is about deep down, ever since he was much younger and had no one who understood all the mass of convoluted thoughts rampaging inside his exploding mind.