Thursday, February 03, 2005


When i was young, i listen to the radio waiting for my favourite song...
That's how going home feels like.

It's 8.05am, i rose from my slumber,quickly i assigned myself to tasks of my departure.Hastily off i went to KL on a 10am bus which requires me to take the local bus before 9am to reach Melaka Sentral.
Beds of chrysanthemum cultivated in the richest blossoms caught a glint in my eye where their showy flower heads radiate colours of gold and yellow in their greatest splendor. The feeling of admiration dabbed in the excitement of going back home mixed with anticipation of going to Cyberjaya.
Met Wilz at the bus terminal. Simple chats were exchanged between us. Catching on some sleep amidst my journey.Reach Kl at 10 minutes past noon.Our paths diverge under the illuminated sky. Cyberjaya here i come!


It's my first time to Cyberjaya by bus. I called Cavi to clarify directions to Cyberjaya. Minutes later i find myself in front of Mydin, a shopping complex. Behind the complex stations hordes of buses to transport and enfold passenger from KL to their destinated places.
During a bypass at Putrajaya, my mind was captured by a fountain with water flow jetting high up into the air...The silvery water reflected in the glory of the sun in magnificence that spellbounded me.


Reached Cyberjaya at 1.40pm. The bus disembark me in front of Cyberia. Greeted with warm smiles by Arina at Cyberia Condominium.
After a light exchange of daily tribulations joined by a few of Arina's senior, we went to McD for lunch.
We had alot of Happy Meals at the table. Alot of McD collectibles as well.LOL.The thoughts just captivates me.

We went to Cyberia to collect my bag and hang about there till it's 5.15pm.


Reached Putrajaya Transit Station to KLIA. Regretted didn't invited Arina to accompany me at the station. 20 minutes later , im off to KLIA.
Upon arrival i could see the magnificence of Kuala Lumpur International Airport.Disembark quickly and headed up the stairs from the platform.
Check my ticket out-at the wrong place and wondered around like a lost bunny into some technical surveilance complex.Ooops.
Headed back to where i checked out my ticket.
Climb over the steel barrier(tear one of my muscles in my bum while doing so) while being noticed by a security officer. Stopped by him(obviously),explained everthing then off i went (gathering valuable experience points).
Checked-in .Went sight seeing. I love airports-such a lovable place, a place where you see couples hugging and blow kisses while saying their goodbyes. Family reunite. People meeting up.Warm cheers.This reminds me of a song ,"What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

It seems that whatever dispute in the past seems to dissipate at that instant.

Found a bookstore and bought Angela's Ashes-Frank McCourt. Read while waiting for my departure.
Depart at 8.40pm and arrived home at 11.00pm.
Home alast.

(I wanted to write this to signify that i actually went through the hassles of homecoming.
In times as my memory serves me well and it does me less and less, i just want to recall of this event.Sometimes when we asked ourselves " What did i do last week ? " . If we forgotten what we actually did and there wasn't a witness to clarify our presence, it's like we actually didn't existed for the past week.)

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