Saturday, February 19, 2005

Nine Grecian Muses - #1

At some point in our lives, we will be at full-scale battle with ourselves. And we will wonder why everyone else is laughing except us.
At some point in our lives, however, we will confront it like an ant in a whirlpool. Find ourselves grappling with the meaning of life, squirming in our own skin.

We can't handle the guilt when we commit dubious acts even if we don't know it yet.
And hell is every moment we depart from our true nature.
We waste our lives entertaining people we hate and doing things we despise and we do it with a smile.
Deny your feelings, I say. People will love you for it. They want you to be what they wish you could be. You are a physical manifestation of their imagination.
After a while, you won’t remember who you are. You just watch yourself play the role you are expected to. Life is like making a movie about making a movie.
In other words:
“Please resist the temptation to be yourself.”

For instances:
“I’d love to meet someone that hardly signifies your presence.”
“I’d love to listen to your sob stories.”
“I’d love to have an awkward yamcha sessions with absolute strangers.”

I've heard things like:
“You are the perfect guy for me BUT…”
Please try to yourself.

The real you is irrelevant.

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