Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My Morning Shrine

Every Wednesday morning right after my 8am class. I sit gloriously at my breakfast table. A cup of iced milo to my right and a plate of fried rice with an egg placed proportionally in the center.

So rightly a
telecommunication company sticker that says " Did you SMS your mother today?" was pasted over my table.
I was stunned.I've been lectured on family values by a table.How inanimated objects these days rise up to revoke against their masters.


Every now and then people walk up to my table and start chatting.
What can I do? Pretend to care.To avoid awkwardness, everyone has this compulsive need to say something interesting about themselves only to realize that nobody live interesting lives.

The best thing to do is to fake a smile, nod and give a hearty fits of laughter at every supposed punch lines that are not even funny.
They are only worth a fake smile(or smirk) and a nodding head but never your attention. I don’t bother sharing my stories with people who don’t matter.

Its just like talking to the table that just delivered the purpose of instruction or a Nokia advertistment that tells you whether you're fit to lead by example.

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