Monday, June 27, 2005

The Entrepreneur

For the upcoming Student Representative Council (SRC) elections in MMU, the proposal of creating an online public profiling is going to be implimented. This is inline with the objective of informing and abolishing knowledge deficiency among the MMU populace.
After all the SRC is a body that established with a mission to represent all the students in MMU inline with its name itself. A student body, for the students, elected by the students through an official election.

With this, the portal will serve as an avenue to inform students and help publicitize the candidates. From a neutral standpoint, a student of MMU will be up to date with information of the capabilities and leadership potentials of each candidate through the portal.

The online public profiling will inform the students of MMU of the candidates running for the SRC 2005/2006. It will be hosted through an online portal where it will be publically viewed.

The online public profiling will contain the following:
1. A large print of the candidate's picture
2. Name
3. Faculty
4. Motto
5. Achievement/ Contribution to MMU
6 Expectation of the candidate

Here's a sampel:

Ooi Mei Ying
Faculty of Business and Law
Catalyzing Students' Excellence
Eg: SRC Secretary, 2004/2005, etc.
[Slot #-Expectation of candidate]
[Slot #-Expectation of candidate]

The significance of online public profiling:
1. Reduce ignorance in MMU
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Informative

Note: Previously candidates would spend around RM300 for campaigns and publicity. Paper posters and flyers are hung and given around campus.
The online public profiling is like a online advertisment reaching out to its viewers. As an online service and for the accountable resource used, we charge a reasonable fare.
(RM300 vs. RM X) = Fair enough.

Let's impliment some changes in MMU!


FunkayMunkay said...

wahhh... early promotion for mei ying r? mine ler.. =( hahhaha jk jk

buffaloooi said...

Laaa...patut laa..u told me bout the online..thingy..nway whomever that came out with this idea..RESPECT a great effor or should I put a great initiative to spread the students' right. Tho it'll be the first move..u guys can create the impact on them..spread the awareness yet stress on their candidates. we'll c how's the respond...:-)

Prince of Darkness said...

Great ideas but then still need for a little poster sticking to make people aware. There are types of people who will never bother to check what's on Campus' portal. I'm one of 'em to be frank. The portal that I always check is the announcement from Lecturers, exams, and marks. The rest, I never bother to read. So minimal the spending on "WANTED" papers is needed.

Trystan said...

The idea of this is particularly to serve and inform the MMU community which i thought during my time back home.
I've drafted the prosedures to execute this little event.
I got something installed for you guys-stay tuned and watch out.

Anonymous said...

SRC is served for student..
thats what i knew..but u think that every students will tell the SRC that i m having problems now..(such as...)??definitely NO!!!
so i think SRC is nothing even the result came out telling us(as a student)who are the winner..SRC also can't express anything if got no students that willing to tell them the opinion..
and the paper poster are wasting our resources and make the campus looks like pasar malam!!