Saturday, June 18, 2005

Meet the Blogders

Interesting to say that i've met a fellow blogder. A blogder that wasn't a part of my circle of friends.
It was a day in March when i clicked 'Next Blog>>' at the top right of my blog.

I was simply browsing and i came across an entry that i could relate to. She wrote about 'This is one of those days'. The following days she wrote about 'It's good to know i'm different'.
When you read someone's blog you'll find yourself relating to their writings, if it didn't relate to you , you'll probably won't be reading their entries in the first place.

What caught my attention was posted pictures of MMU, Emerald Park and Melaka. Back then i thought, " Alright, so this blogder is enrolling for the next intake to MMU." "Never met a blogder like that before, let's see what's next."

2 weeks ago, during a yamcha session, i said to W.C. Tan , " I'll meet some blogder soon that i've never met before, i'm certain she'll join SPB as a neXus writer."

To my surprise, she emailed about her experience of orientation.
W.C. Tan notify me of the email and asked me to read it. Her writing showed a lot of potential despite sentence structuring like "The orientation night was superb, oh and the orientation food was horrible" in the same sentence.

W.C. Tan said something like, "Hmmm..." when I asked his opinion on her article. Which was like a person browsing through a menu in a restaurant, but was unable to come up with a decision on the order, while the waiter is waiting to take his order and he had to make a sound "Hmmm..." to indicate that he is still breathing, something like when you ask someone a question that the other can't answer, and buy time by saying "Hmmm..." to appear more insightful and not project an image that you are fidgety and stalling from another's awe-ful presence. Anyway.

Today, on a fine day in June we've met.
---> <---

1 comment:

eyries said...

hmm... seems that I got famous here too.. my face is here, hmm..... and who was it talking about plagurism?... wahahaha... ;-p jk jk