Sunday, April 03, 2005


Why do people hang on to dear life while others just let it slip?

Man in India leaps into train tracks when train is just inches from him to save a rotten shoe which he kicks off his feet.
Equals to
Dodo bird(The Ice Age) attempts to save a melon ,plunges along with the melon into a boiling tar pit.

Some people lives their life merely of the lack of reasons to die. Maybe we're just like that pre-historic chipmunk with the fluffy tail chasing after an acorn. Just like how we chase after a dream, ending up becoming 'maggot combo meal' or 'bacterial orgy feast' 35 years later.
Life goes on exactly as planned, we go to school get good grades. Earn a scholarship, then get out into the working world, work out a success plan in mind. We won't get cancer or be like the 5634 people that died in road accidents(2003).

Those are for losers and society's misfits. It won't happen to us, we have a plan. But WE are differrent. We will continue without a doubt and neglect our families, cause that ounce of success will compensate the hours not spent with family and friends.
We have the characteristics to succeed.We got what it takes to met new challenges and will grow old to tell our grandchildren of our success stories.
We're heading for the victorious horizon!

We're going to face extinction

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