Friday, April 15, 2005

Sand Castle in the Sky

Long ago, when i was 7 years old. I had a dream.
I dreamed that i owned a sand castle in the sky. Everyone from around the globe flocked to the castle to take a glimpse.
I realized that any individual/organisation that throned of any industry; real estates, computers, energy, investments, are the top people/companies of the world.

What if we can make something(tourism) to attract the whole world's attention, won't it generate profits, create revenues for the nation? The Italian government raked in sums of cash from the thousands of people that rallied to attend the Pope's funeral.
Anyway, i've always believed in human resource, that's why i chose engineering; since i'm going off into a business venture in the near future. I get both sides of the coin, the business world and the science world. That's a good volume of people. The downside of things is that you'll meet the crushing wave someday and it's up to you to challenge it. In almost everything you do, there's the crushing wave, but that doesn't happen in the sky right? If we succeed in overcoming it, the kingdom in the clouds shall thrall, else swept away from existence.

Anyway, i guess it's back to 'Paris hotel fire kills 15 people' or 'Bush signs bankruptcy bill' for journalists around the world.
The typical, mundane articles you see in your local newspapers everyday.

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