Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Opinion Hated

I've observed recently.
-Contentless and graphical interfaced blogs. The layout of the blog has various applications which is garnished with graphic/textual icons.

-The content of which, explicit how cool their sidebars and graphical interface looks like, besides the mediocrity of one's life. Which by the way, no one is interested in your life. You just had to come up with something interesting to type in that little box.
I applaud your effort of spending hours and hours to make your blog look more flashy.

I know it's your blog and you can write anything you like and continue to degrade your mind for that matter. Maybe i've said things that you don't like to hear.Typicals tend to disagree at the drop of a hat at the opinion they don't agree with; without rational consideration or
exercising the ability to reason. At least i had the balls to say it straight at your face.

We're facing greater threats than our forefathers have faced: Oppressions and foreign rule or the penjajah. In today's world, we face even greater threats: Ignorance, stupidipty and knowledge deficiency. It is up to you to shape your future.
What's your choice?

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