Sunday, May 08, 2005

In my own words

I know my family are proud of me and around once a year i come back-they see me, but they do look at me and they're like " You're different."
Change is the essence of who we are. It's nature. In my life i encourage change, which catches people off guard a little bit.

I can be judgemental and i can be hard on people. I sometimes expect too much of people and i haven't always realised that's not for everyone. I don't go up to people that are incompetent, and lick their @$$es and greet everyone you hate with a smile- that's what you do when failed your marriage and you smile to your spouse in court.

I make many mistakes, i say stupid things, i regret them. But i'm trying to show that a life lived spontaneously with openness and compassion to ourselves and everyone else-and with love- is the better option.
As we get happier, we want to share that happiness with others and we want to be able to share it with those who matter to us. And sometimes part of surrendering to your path is that you do have to work it out by yourself.
I've gambled everything for love. Time and time again and i'm sure i will again.
For me, love is not so much about personal relationships than it is about a love of life, the mystery ; how much of a risk are you willing to take? You only ever win what you're prepared to risk.

This is who i am.

1 comment:

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

oohh....I do so think that I like you!! ~applaudes~ More More!